#142: As A Man In Recovery How Do I Integrate My Masculine and Feminine Parts?

Season #4

Caller James' Question: "As A Man In Recovery How Do I Integrate My Masculine and Feminine Parts?"

  Tyler Patrick, "The Wandering Therapist", is co-founder of Love Strong (lovestrong.com), a Christian-based Recovery + WHOLEHEARTED living therapy practice. If you'd like to work with Love Strong via telehealth or in-person, reach out to us at [email protected] or go to our website: https://lovestrong.com. We have a great online Foundations Of Recovery Class starting soon. This class is for sex addiction recovery and healing from betrayal trauma. Go to https://lovestrong.com/services/foundations-group/ to learn more and sign up.

  Brannon Patrick, "The Expert", is co-founder of Therapy Utah (therapyutah.org). You can follow Brannon on Instagram @brannon_patrick. He has some really great online courses available at brannonpatrick.com like his Boundary Bootcamp course. Brannon has a program called L.I.F.T. for betrayal trauma and addiction recovery available online starting soon. Go to https://www.liftforrecovery.com/ for more info! Join us for one of our "Life-Changing" retreats. therapybros.com/events

We would love to have you as a guest on the podcast. Go to realtalkrecovery.com to submit your question and schedule your call!

Check out the full episode on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/episode/3DNoPiuM3xrykTD2oNefTp

Check out the full episode on ApplePodcast! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/142-as-a-man-in-recovery-how-do-i-integrate-my/id1500794877?i=1000567832437