GROW WITH COBY Ep: 10 How to Talk to Your Child with Ellie Mitchell

Season #5

Ellie Mitchell at 11 years old shares her perspective on how kids can have productive and heavy conversations with their parents. She shares an experience she had with Coby, which she calls a Rainbow Talk. She shares what she did to have a scary conversation with her Dad and push through the fear she had to speak what was on her heart and mind.

Coby Mitchell has been podcasting since 2017. His last podcast has over 2 million downloads and now he continues sharing life lessons and vulnerable insights from over 6 years of deep therapy and healing from addiction. He had a successful career in sales development working with business leaders in North America, Europe, and Australia. In 2014 Coby went into business for himself and now mentors C-Suite executives of multi billion dollar companies, physicians, surgeons, dentists, business owners, teachers, developers etc.

Listen to Coby on Spotify HERE

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