BEGIN NOW to heal your broken relationship and     LEARN HOW to create the thriving love you deserve! 

Yes! I'm Ready!

"I'm happy to report that we are both in recovery and our relationship is better than it has been in years. We are feeling the love and connection that brought us together in the first place. "

Susie K.


Learn the 6 Steps to moving from "I'M TRAPPED!" to "I'M SO IN LOVE"

Attn Hopeless Couples

"Finally! How To Completely Shift your Broken Relationship even after Years of Shattered Trust"

(Created, so you DON'T have to spend countless years and thousands of dollars in therapy!)

  • Feel Loved and Want to Love Again!
  • Create a Relationship with Absolute Honesty.
  • Know if you should stay or go!


From: Ashlynn, Coby and Brannon

RE: Your Shift toward the Ultimate Relationship

Dear Hopeless Partner,

Ashlynn and Coby here…

If you are like we were…

Feeling so much pain, doubt, fear and resentment in your marriage, yet…

Still want to ignite passion, connect deeply, or even if you just want to trust fully, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!

Here's why...

Because in today's world, we too often choose complacency and silent suffering over learning how IT IS POSSIBLE to create the relationship you dream.  It seems our shattered past has held hostage our dreams of connection and trust!  But there is hope…





We are Ashlynn, Coby and Brannon the hosts of the Podcast "The Betrayed, The Addicted, and the Expert"


Ashlynn and I, Coby, have ourselves’ been through the pain of my addictions and infidelities.  And from our experience of recovery been able to coach hundreds of individuals and couples toward recovery. 


And I, Brannon, have spent the last 10 years working with 1,000's of relationships. 

Together, we have found the keys to shortening the process from a terrified broken heart to a relationship that is unbelievably rewarding and full of trust, safety and connection.


After 100 episodes of our Podcast we felt it was time to create a more specific route for people to go from hurt to healing.  We created this coaching course to give you everything you need to navigate the journey from “Shattered Trust to Thriving Intimacy.”

But I I have Questions...

We have all your answers here


BUT, they are ONLY general topics.


in you and your relationship forever.


Is another day of wondering and fearing.  Another sleepless night of feeling rejected.

It took us years to realize we don't have to continue to suffer.  AND we've got proof that in most cases you can end the suffering without ending the marriage.


In Fact, This is Just the Tip of the Iceberg on what our Program will help you gain!

We often spend thousands of dollars either in drowning their suffering, hiding from reality or struggling to find the right help. Have you caught yourself buying the clothes, the food, the cars, the boat etc. All in an effort to prove you are worthy of love. Continuing in the struggle costs all of us $1,000's and even $10,000's. But creating "THE SHIFT" has real monetary impact.

Skip Confusion

You'll skip past confusion of which therapist's process is right, or wondering how to fit your schedule with theirs

Save Thousands of $$

You'll understand exactly why the BEST impact on your family finances is FREE - and starts with your relationship!

Ad A Trust Fund

You'll even experience how how a marriage with trust makes more money and keeps more money!





When you invest your time into our

"Shattered Trust to Thriving Intimacy Program"

  1. You'll find yourself feeling hopeful, more decisive and more free to be fully yourself vs that trapped feeling you have felt condemned by.
  2. You'll know exactly how to handle a disclosure of broken trust in a way that rebuilds and maintains trust.
  3. When you complete this course, think about how good you'll feel knowing you've done your part to BE the best partner you can be!
  4. When you look in your partner's eyes and know that you trust them again, and that they have done what it takes to deserve that trust, think about how that will feel!
  5. What if your's was the relationship others saw from the distance and wondered, "They are so in love! How do they have that, I want that!"
  6. And wouldn't it feel good to know how to get to that place of decision of staying or going, vs always wondering if you are making the wrong decision by staying. 



Rekindle the weakest flame and let love burn bright again.


You get 6 weeks of in depth video and audio relationship coaching unlike any healing process you have been through before.

With key understandings we've developed in just the last few years of working with others in your very situation. THIS WALKS YOU STEP BY STEP through the entire process of creating an amazing relationship from start to finish. You get both a trained therapists understanding as well as a couple who has been right where you are. You get the exact processes, that have already saved hundreds of marriages and gave others the faith to move on when their partner wasnā€™t willing to do their part. With weekly action tips for you so we ensure you are learning AND applying those steps that truly empower you to restore and create an amazing relationship! All delivered to digest at your speed.

Week 1: Find Hope Again

We understand how hopeless one or both partners can feel inside a relationship.  To begin the journey of creating something great we must start by creating hope.

So, let's break down the walls of hopelessness, and destroy the barriers that are stopping you from experiencing the love you deserve.

"This is my second time listening to this module.  I am just going to say that I have been listening to the podcast for over a year. That gave me validation for sure.  Now, as I continued listening I knew I needed this education but would get down because I didn't know how to make the shift. In fact sometimes I would get deeper in hopelessness. Now I am Getting the Tools and time learn how to make a shift! I love this and you all!" 

- Karen

Week 2: Solidify Lasting Trust

Reestablishing trust and safety is amazing and absolutely possible.  We have developed a model that isn't focused on the shamed based model of codependence, nor the stuckness when only focused on a betrayal model.  

Trust comes from both directions and we are confident that our GPM model of creating trust will open up an intimacy you have been missing.

"This is an amazing course from awesome people! What makes this special is the unique perspective that these three bring. Watching these videos with my husband we are better able to see things from each other’s perspective which is so vital for healing. We are in the thick of recovery and this course goes so well with everything we are learning in therapy and 12 step groups. Lastly and most importantly it brings us hope!"
- Angela, Riverton Ut

Week 3: The Foundation of Happiness

Commonly we find ourselves lost as we commit to a relationship. As Brannon asks "Where do you end and they begin?" Without having an "I" we will never be effective at creating an "us".  

We are going to show you how to find yourself again, provide ideas for strengthening your own value and confidence.  Regardless of past betrayals or mistakes, finding "YOU" makes your future an amazing possibility!  

Learn how to create boundaries that really work for everyone!

"This course is a fantastic mini-therapy course without having to go to a therapist!

It is amazing to see the amount of content that is included in the course. It's a fast track to recovery - they are giving us all the tools! (However, I don't want to imply that this is an instant cure.) We have to implement the tools! It takes time and work!

Module 3 on Boundaries was my favorite since as the Betrayed I had lost my sense of boundary with myself and my husband. This module explains in detail how to identify what your boundaries are and how to set them in place in a kind and loving way.

I've spent thousands of dollars on recovery. This is a very affordable way to get the necessary tools to start one on the road to recovery. "

Susie K.

Week 4: Be Free of Fears and Triggers

It is possible to live a life after addiction and betrayal free of fear.  Trust ultimately comes from only when we face our fears and learn a powerful model for dealing with our triggers.

This step gives you proven models for identifying triggers, and freeing yourself from their painful grasp. 

Week 5: Unlock Intimacy in a Brand New Way


To simply live a life without addiction or beyond betrayal is only the first step.  The truest joy of love and closeness, only comes when we open ourselves up again to be loved and to give love.  

We know this part of the journey is fragile, and we've walked it ourselves. We look forward to guiding you toward a love you may have never thought possible.  A love that is deeper, more intimate and so much more connecting than may have even been possible before you make your shift.

Week 6: The Joy of Recovery


Recovery unlike sobriety is a life worth living.  It is a journey with lessons meant for all areas of life.  We wrap up this program in week 6 with tools and keys to living your absolute best life.  A life as fully yourself.  And freer than you thought possible!


...but you'll be able to get all of this for LESS THAN HALF of that!


(When you enroll this week!)

Bonus #1 Reflection Prompts [$97}

These Tools Will:

  • Take you step by step through your internal processing
  • Short cut implementation of the content
  • Guide you to answers for your specific situation

Bonus #2 Stop Mantra [$197}

  • This is going to make it easier and faster for you to get from addiction and trauma to confidence in yourself and connection with your partner. 
  • How? Because not only does it show you exactly what our clients do when triggers show up.  It allows you to create your own custom mantra so its personal to you.

Bonus #3 Course Diagrams [$197]

  • This is going to make it faster and easier for you to find the breakthroughs your relationship needs. 
  • How? Because this curriculum includes the notes, images and key diagrams that will walk you step by step through creating the relationship of your dreams regardless of your past!

Bonus #4 Q&A Sessions [$497]

Although we built to be the most thorough training available online for healing from broken trust, we also invited our original live audience to ask additional questions they had about the process. 

And for this enrollment we are going to provide you with our answers to the same questions you may have while going through the course.  Several of the audience members said “these Q&A’s clarifications are some of our best content in the course.”

As you can see, these bonuses have a total value of $97, $197, $197 and $497


but they're yours when you choose to join today!

You have Nothing to Lose with our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

If you go through each of the first 4 modules in the "Shattered Trust to Thriving Intimacy" Coaching program and it doesn't take you by the hand, step-by-step toward recreating hope and trust.  If it doesn’t provide new insights on how to connect deeply... or if it fails to help you know the path to trust fully, then I can ask to receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!

We do ask for you to review all videos in these modules to receive the refund.

As you can see all the risk is squarely on our shoulders so...

"I feel so validated and understood! Thank you thank thank you! I feel like I got real answers and skills of how to communicate with my partner and how to avoid drama pitfalls and unproductive fights. I feel inspired and also scared to reach out to a shame partner. I really want to follow through with betrayal trauma treatment and therapy for myself. This workshop was awesome and totally worth the money."

- Melyssa Conerly


Ashlynn, Coby and Brannon

P.S. We have a Frequently Asked Questions section below you may want to check out if you still are on the fence.  

P.P.S. - We only allow 100 people into the program at once to ensure we can support everyone during the program, so enroll now before you miss out on this enrollment option. You don't need to toss and turn anymore wondering if your relationship is cursed forever. Come find healing!

Act now before we close the program again!


Here's How To Join our Next Small Group AND START YOUR SHIFT

So, go ahead, click the order link now and you'll be on your way to a Shift You will talk about for the rest of your life. 

Let's get started right now!

Purchase Online with Credit Card over Secure Server!


1 Payment


Join us now and start your shift!

Iā€™m Ready Letā€™s get started!

Pay Plan


PER MONTH for 5 months

Let's Go!

I was only really hurting myself by staying in the victim mode!

"I just wanted to take some time and let you know that when I first started to listen to your podcast it was really helpful. Then, i got to this point where I became stuck in victim mode for some time and couldn’t listen to the podcast because I kept thinking “Well they have two whole brains working on the recovery and I’ve got one and a half” and I was using all the excuses to stay stuck.
Then one day I got this feeling that I needed to listen to the podcast again! I started to and decided that I’m ready to start my recovery journey and I can only do that by changing myself!
You guys helped me discover that I was only really hurting myself by staying in the victim mode!
So, thank you for sharing and for helping me make that shift in mindset to start to heal from my heart and mind first!"

- SM


Your info and enrollment is completely private and will only be available to our company.  We do not share your info, name or emails with 3rd parties.

The information and content provided through our sites, though provided by both licensed professionals as well as relationship coaches, is for educational purposes only.  It is in no way a replacement for therapy rather should be a support for therapy by a licensed professional.

By joining in our programs you consent that you will rely on or seek professional support in addition to our materials when needed. Especially in the case of symptoms including anxiety, depression, trauma, suicidal thoughts, or other critical medical situations.  


Frequently Asked Questions

Immediately upon enrolling you will receive a login to your online program and hours of training and specific healing homework.

You will immediately be immersed in healing content.

Each week you will be provided access to a new set of Coaching videos walking you through the next step in a 6-week process of healing your relationship.

Each week will include homework to spend time on over the next 7 days so you are actually taking the steps that create the shift we talk about.

Feeling alone in healing your marriage is probably one of the loneliest feelings in our world.  It seems so confusing that we chose a relationship so we weren't alone, and yet in the relationship we feel most alone.  

With that being said, this program is about you. We believe the only way any relationship shifts is when the individuals shifts, but it always seems that 1 partner starts before the other.

Sometimes this is the Addict who sees the fear and pain in his spouses anger and realizes he/she has to become someone free of their addiction before they can expect to see a shift in their spouse. 

Sometimes this is the Betrayed who is willing to humbly do their own work, learning boundaries and ways to create safety and certainty in themselves.  And that journey sets up the shift in their partner.

And sometimes it doesn't.

But when you do your own work, you are more empowered to make the difficult decisions around staying or leaving.  You can do it from a place of inner strength, and trust that what ever is on the difficult  decision will be your truth regardless what anyone else thinks.

This program gives you an understanding of how to go from Shattered Trust to Thriving Intimacy.  Hopefully, that is with your current partner, AND sometimes that intimacy comes from a future partner. 

Knowing what it can look like and how to get there is the purpose of this program.

See the plan options above.

Depending on the topic we broke them down into 2-5 digestible coaching sessions with all 3 of us. 

We will shut down enrollment at the discounted price at the end of this opening.  We haven't determined when we will open it up again, and if it will be at the same or a higher price.

Beg, borrow, or steal, just kidding, don't steal.  But you are worth it!

In choosing a price point, you are our ultimate fear.  We have spent 100's of hours to build this for you. And we want everyone to get the benefit of these courses.  We know that in order to afford the team to build and create great resources we have to find a balance between affordable and profitable.  We feel like the value is way beyond 6 sessions with a good therapist which would likely cost $900. So, that was where our starting price was decided.

We do accept credit cards, and honestly much of our recovery was financed, but we felt it was worth it.  That is your decision.  You have 30 days to decide if its worth it after purchase. 

Ultimately, if you can't now, then stick with our podcast, do what you can and stay tuned for future releases.  But if you are stuck, find a way! 

Yes, Yes, Yes!

The program works on any browser, Mac or PC. 

It works with any phone that has a browser. 

So I stand corrected, if you have an old flip phone, sorry your out of luck otherwise, welcome to your recovery!

We do not currently have an affiliate program, however we are considering adding that shortly.  

If you would be interested in helping us help others, send us an email @ [email protected] with the subject line "I want to be an affiliate" and maybe soon we can help you get paid helping others!

If you didn't sign up immediately, you're probably thinking one of two things. First, you might be thinking I've tried so many courses, therapists, books etc.

Don't worry. We spend the whole first module showing you how to regain hope. We are going to show you how we figured out what was missing from everything else we tried. We are going to give you reflective prompts to help you figure it out. I promise you, by the end of Week 1, you'll know exactly how this course is different.

Second, you're probably a little nervous about sticking to the shift you will be making. I get that. But I promise you, it's not hard, because the shift happens naturally. On Week 3, we're going to walk step-by-step through the whole process of shifting, and why most people get it wrong. I know trusting you can find a happy relationship again can be scary, but we'll be there for you.

The third reason might be that you think it's too expensive. If that's your reason, I don't know how I can help you. This is an investment and a decision you need to make for yourself. When we invested in learning these processes, we paid $10,000+ to therapists, seminars and so much more, but we have found there is NO COST we wouldn't pay for the safety and trust, and love we now have in our marriage.  

What is an amazing relationship worth to you?

We would not classify this as therapy, as it requires a license to do therapy in each state. So, no, and a great therapist would be the most highly effective opportunity.


Therapy however will cost often times thousands of dollars.  Money, we have invested.


This program is for those who can't afford therapy or want to supplement therapy with very prescribed methods for healing. We would call it more relationship coaching.  It is the opportunity to be taken through the same steps we would take you through, if you were our client.  It’s the answers we give our clients when they are sitting on that couch or over the Skype call.  


And we give you homework to work on that will help you get the shift we describe. We give homework to work on that applies to both the betrayed and the addicted (or indulgent). And at times it involves work you do together to improve the relationship.


What many believe is that someone else has the answers. 


What we believe… is you have the answers but you may need guide to find them.  And this program is that guide.  

It is delivered online week by week for 6 weeks with each week opening up a new series of videos on the steps mentioned.

If you are in a relationship there are 3 entities to work on.  You, them, and the relationship. You do your work, they do theirs, and then you both work on the relationship.

You can go back and watch videos from prior weeks as many times as you like.  Enrolling now promises 6 months access to the content.  You can download audios and resources for future use.

In the videos we mention homework and provide sheets you can print out and work through. 

So, you go at the pace that gives time to do the reflective work that this healing takes.  

Remember we provide a 30 day money back guarantee, if you go through the first 4 weeks of information and you don't feel it 100% is helping let us know.

We are required to put a time limit on the program by our merchant account. So, as long as you are paid in full or current if you received a promotional payment plan, you will have access for a minimum of 6 months from the date of purchase, and/or as long as the site is available.

All modules have audios that can be downloaded and homework that is available to download. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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